A panel discussion between procurement executives about the importance of data quality & visibility as a prerequisite for any procurement transformation. Cyrille Desbazeille is CPO of Franke Group, Alex Jennings is former CPO of DS Smith, Harold Hendrickx is founder & CEO of Transformation Executive, and Rasa Raoufi is co-founder and procurement lead at Mithra-Ai.
“When your suppliers know more than you, then you have an issue”
“My new team told me they don’t use the spendcube because it was outdated and not accurate so we needed to go back and redesign our taxonomy”
“You need to have actionable intelligence to make sure you deliver on value”
“Fundamental means important, therefore you put talent on it and not people who could be sacrificed because they don’t bring value”
”Why wait? Your competitor is outstripping you”
“Start today to improve your data quality, make it your priority”