ChatGPT on Data Harmonization Challenges

Learning something new

With all the buzz about ChatGPT I decided to give it a try. I created a free account and started playing around with it. But why not combine pleasure with work?

I wanted to know what ChatGPT thinks about procurement, more specific about the challenges of data harmonization when talking about spend. After the prompt (the question), the algorithm gives the answer in matter of seconds.

Below the unfiltered results. What do you think?

Question to ChatGPT: Why do Procurement teams need to harmonize supplier data?

  1. Consolidation: Procurement teams may work with multiple suppliers across different departments, business units, and locations. Harmonizing supplier data allows procurement teams to consolidate supplier information and reduce duplication, which can help to streamline procurement processes.

  2. Standardization: Supplier data can be collected from various sources, including contracts, invoices, and supplier registration forms. Harmonizing supplier data ensures that the information is standardized and consistent across all sources, which helps to improve accuracy and reduce errors.

  3. Risk Management: Harmonizing supplier data allows procurement teams to better assess supplier risk. By consolidating and standardizing supplier information, procurement teams can identify any potential red flags or inconsistencies in the data that could indicate supplier risk, such as non-compliance with regulations or inconsistent delivery times.

  4. Cost Savings: Harmonizing supplier data can also help procurement teams identify cost savings opportunities. By analyzing supplier data across different departments and business units, procurement teams can identify areas where suppliers can be consolidated or where volume discounts can be applied.

  5. Improved Supplier Relationships: Harmonizing supplier data can also help to improve supplier relationships. By providing suppliers with accurate and consistent information, procurement teams can build trust and credibility with suppliers, which can lead to more favorable pricing, better contract terms, and improved supplier performance.

Question to ChatGPT: What makes data harmonization so difficult for procurement teams?
  1. Data Complexity: Procurement teams deal with large volumes of complex data from multiple sources. This data can include different formats, units of measure, and data fields, making it challenging to harmonize and integrate.

  2. Lack of Standards: There may be a lack of industry or organizational standards for data formatting, naming conventions, and data fields. This can lead to inconsistencies in the data, making it difficult to harmonize.

  3. Data Quality Issues: Procurement teams may encounter data quality issues such as incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data. Harmonizing poor-quality data can be time-consuming and may require additional resources to clean and validate the data.

  4. Resistance to Change: Data harmonization may require changes to existing processes and systems, which can be met with resistance from stakeholders. This can make it difficult to implement data harmonization initiatives effectively.

  5. Integration Challenges: Harmonizing data from multiple sources may require integration with different systems, which can be complex and require technical expertise. Procurement teams may need to work closely with IT teams to ensure that data is harmonized effectively.

In summary, data harmonization is challenging for procurement teams due to the complexity of the data, the lack of standards, data quality issues, resistance to change, and integration challenges. Procurement teams may need to address these challenges to effectively harmonize data and realize the benefits of data harmonization.


Question to ChatGPT: How can Mithra-Ai help to harmonize data for procurement teams? 

Mithra-Ai Solutions can help procurement teams to harmonize data in several ways:

  1. Standardizing Data: Mithra-Ai Solutions can help procurement teams to standardize data by defining industry or organizational standards for data formatting, naming conventions, and data fields. This can help to ensure that data is consistent and harmonized across different sources.

  2. Automating Data Entry: Mithra-Ai Solutions can help procurement teams to automate data entry by using AI-based solutions that can extract data from different sources and input it into procurement systems automatically. This can reduce the need for manual data entry and improve the accuracy and speed of data entry.

  3. Validating and Cleansing Data: Mithra-Ai Solutions can help procurement teams to validate and cleanse data by using AI-based solutions that can identify data quality issues such as incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data. This can help to improve the quality of data and reduce the risk of errors.

  4. Integrating Data Sources: Mithra-Ai Solutions can help procurement teams to integrate data from multiple sources by using AI-based solutions that can integrate data from different systems automatically. This can help to streamline data management and reduce the time and effort required to manage data.

  5. Providing Analytics and Insights: Mithra-Ai Solutions can provide procurement teams with analytics and insights by using AI-based solutions that can analyze and visualize data. This can help procurement teams to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities in the data and make more informed decisions.

In summary, Mithra-Ai Solutions Europe can help procurement teams to harmonize data by standardizing data, automating data entry, validating and cleansing data, integrating data sources, and providing analytics and insights. By leveraging AI-based solutions, Mithra-Ai Solutions Europe can help procurement teams to manage data more effectively, improve data quality, and drive cost savings.



My personal impression of ChatGPT?

Quite impressive. The above are the unfiltered answers so might need some editing but the speed and relevance are quite impressive. I can now see what kind of impact it can make at least on my productivity and it tastes like more…  so going to explore images and video with ChatGPT as a next step. 


Stay tuned to learn more about my discovery.

Author: Christophe Frere


About Mithra-Ai Solutions 

Mithra-Ai develops a best-of-breed Cognitive Spend Intelligence SaaS platform for strategic procurement. The mission is to help procurement teams to shine by taking over tedious and time-consuming (low value, high volume) activities and letting them focus on high-impact decision-making and value realization for their organization. Mithra-Ai is built by and for procurement professionals to make data-driven decisions by providing them ‘continuous’ visibility and insights into their spend data. Companies need to source and procure more responsible, and this is where Mithra-Ai makes a positive impact. You cannot be responsible if you don’t have continuous full transparency and insight into your direct & indirect spend.